Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The gym was amazing AGAIN! Why did I ever NOT want to go??
Saw Hot Gym. He complimented me on my "sugoi sheeppu appu" (amazing shape up) again. I appreciate it. I do. Time to shape up more!!


  1. Daisuki Sherry-san! I am jealous of your sugoi sheepu!

  2. watashi mo Candi-chan daisuki :D

    If it makes you feel any better, it's taken about 7 years in total (about 3 of effort, and 2 of those 3 were HARD effort) to get here...which is close, but not there. I'm hoping by the end of this month to be close to my goal, and in the safe zone by June. Hopefully by my birthday I'll be close to my desired body fat goal. But, best laid plans and whatnot...

  3. You rock, girl. What is your goal, anyway?

  4. Down to under 68 kilos - around 65 if possible. But, the main thing is the percentage of fat. I'd like to get that to around 20%...if possible. I don't think that they are unreasonable goals, but perhaps not the easiest to accomplish.

  5. Right on. You have certainly been busting your ass to reach them. I salute you, and raise a carrot in your honor!

  6. Thank you. It's one of the few goals I think I may eventually reach/achieve. Spy, probably not... ;_____;
