Monday, September 1, 2008


Today was my first time at an Elementary School. It was fun, but a little tiring. I went to Nishi Nakada Elementary School. I did my self introduction, five kids introduced themselves (sometimes a little more), then we did “Touch your --“ game (with musical accompaniment of ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes’), and we finished the day with ‘Color Demon.’ Nothing makes one happy quite like yelling out colors and watching kids run away from you. It makes ones heart alight with joy and happiness. After that, I returned to school (since it was only 13.30), and sat at my desk. Not much to do since I had no classes to go to. Well, that and the school is preparing for the school festival. I handed out toilet paper, and introduced myself to some students who were laughing and acting all embarrassed outside (since that is what one should do when such a thing happens). That one boy didn’t seem to appreciate it, but that is his own problem since there is nothing funny about saying ‘harro’ to your new assistant teacher. I even say ‘hello’ back.
Oh, I did get to help to enlarge a picture and make it poster sized. That was interesting. Another chance to talk at students and attempt to talk with students. Somehow ‘hobbies’ turned into ‘birthday,’ so now I know one girl’s birthday…but I forget her name. But, May 28th. She was born on that day. Whoever she is.

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